From all social media accounts that I have, blog has a special place in my heart. I love blog more than I love Twitter, Plurk, Facebook, etc. Well, I'm sorry. Do I ever love Twitter? Ha, ha, ha...
Recently I've read many blog posts about blog, like how to write a blog, how to find ideas, how to gain readers, you know, stuff like that. And suddenly I wanna write about blogs, too.
If you've been following my blog from years ago, I'm sure you realize this isn't my first time writing about blog. I've written about this too many times before. Too many times I even lose count.
I read this post and that got me thinking, "What do I want to achieve from blogging, really?" I've been blogging since 2006 and I have to admit I don't have clear purposes why I blog. The first time I made a blog all I could think of I only wanted to write and share my stories. What stories? My personal stories? Hell, like anybody would care (and I was aware of this years later). So, I just blog, blog, and blog. I write anything that comes to mind. Until not long ago.
So, I did what that post asked:
Write down three concrete goals you want to achieve.
Sure it's not easy. Goals like to become famous, gain readers, or get money from blog obviously occured, but they're not my main goals. And, what are my main goals?
1. To become smart
Okay, you can laugh if you want to. I allow you. :P
Here's the thing. I'm not a smart person, but I kinda obsessed to become one. That's why I force myself to read many books. I always believe through reading I can gain many knowledge and devour people's experience. Unfortunately, I don't have a strong memory. I can read for hours and I can easily forget the next second I put down the books. So, to help me retain what I've read, I decide to blog it.
picture was from here
2. To share
I don't wanna be selfish. I don't wanna be the only one that smart. And that's why I blog here anything that I've read because I also want to share it with you. So, you and I can be smart together. It would be awesome, too, if you share your knowledge here. Thus, we can learn together. All hail knowledge! \m/
picture was from here
3. To become immortal
Who says human can not be immortal? Of course, we can! Well, you don't have to be a vampire or a zombie if you want to live forever. Stephen Cave says:
So, all I need is a blog and update it regularly. Of course with one condition: Google don't stop their Blogspot service. This blog is my legacy to my future generations. One day when I'm already gone, they still have a chance to meet me. That way I'm not completely gone, am I? I also hope they will learn so much from me by reading this blog.
Let me be honest with you, often while I'm writing a blog post, I'm picturing my future children or grandchildren. I'm imagining that I'm talking to them and I'm wondering what their reactions will be. Hopefully they will see me as the coolest and the most awesome person on Earth! Hahaha...
Yes, I know that. Before you make concrete goals, you have to outline first what you want. After that, you breakdown those goals to more details and concrete. You also specify what actions that need to be taken to achieve your goals. I've done that, but I'm not gonna tell you the details. :P
Akhirul kalam, those three are my goals I want to achieve from blogging. What yours?
"All you need is an internet connection and a cat."
So, all I need is a blog and update it regularly. Of course with one condition: Google don't stop their Blogspot service. This blog is my legacy to my future generations. One day when I'm already gone, they still have a chance to meet me. That way I'm not completely gone, am I? I also hope they will learn so much from me by reading this blog.
picture was from here
Let me be honest with you, often while I'm writing a blog post, I'm picturing my future children or grandchildren. I'm imagining that I'm talking to them and I'm wondering what their reactions will be. Hopefully they will see me as the coolest and the most awesome person on Earth! Hahaha...
Fans: But, Kim, those goals you make are still too abstract. That post asks you to write concrete goals, not abstract ones...
Yes, I know that. Before you make concrete goals, you have to outline first what you want. After that, you breakdown those goals to more details and concrete. You also specify what actions that need to be taken to achieve your goals. I've done that, but I'm not gonna tell you the details. :P
Akhirul kalam, those three are my goals I want to achieve from blogging. What yours?
Blog is also my favorite social media
ReplyDeleteFor me blog is a place where i can be myself n write anything i want ;)
Hore... Let's high five first! :D
DeleteHampir sama sih, kalau pun pada akhirnya dapat macam-macam dari blog, itu adalah privilege :)
ReplyDeleteIya, Mbak. Aku pun berpikir begitu. Ketenaran dan uang itu nantinya mengikuti. Ya kali kalau aku bisa tenar dan dapat duit juga dari sini. Yang terpenting bagiku sesuai dengan tujuan yang sudah aku tulis di sini. Hihihihi...
DeleteGood, keep blogging and practicing. I wanna make a blog too, but I care too much about the content. I ever had a blog, but I delete it because it was not very good. But I will make a good one someday, after I graduate.
ReplyDeleteDo not care too much. Otherwise, you will never have a blog. :)
Deleteyes Blog is the right place to channel our inspiration and insight
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on that.
DeleteToday could be the first time that I noticed your blog and I fall in love with it right away! Hahaha. Langsung gua follow, ga pake babibu =)
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih ya sudah difollow balik. Hehehe...
DeleteSetuju.. Untuk bisa banyak menulis, kita harus mau membaca dulu. Bikin kita lebih pinter. Biar manfaat, kepinteran itu kita bagi dengan tulisan lagi..
Sukses buat blog nya ya mbak..
Sama2 blogger lampung nih
Hore ketemu juga blogger dari Lampung! Kapan-kapan kopdaran gitu yuk? :D
DeleteKalo saya tujuannya nulis n cari penghasilan :)
ReplyDeletenice share dude
Semoga lewat blog rejeki mengalir terus ya, Mas. :)
DeleteTujuanku ngeblog apa yah Kim? *malah nanya*. Kaeknya yg immortality itu deh, hihi.. E tapi nanti kalo domain nya ga dibayar tiap tahun karena kita dah ga di dunia lagi, ilang ga yah *edisi gaptek*
ReplyDeleteDomainnya aja yang hilang, Mbak. Tapi, blognya tetap ada. Balik pake URL lama. Eh tapi itu kalau cuma pakai domain berbayar ya, Mbak. Kalau hostingnya juga berbayar, ya hilang juga.
DeleteMakanya aku cuma mau pakai domain berbayar dan blognya tetap gratisan, biar nanti pas aku sudah gak ada, domain hilang gak apa2, asal jangan blognya juga. Aku pernah tulis ceritaku itu di sini, Mbak.
Ketiganya mulia sekali mbak :-)
ReplyDeleteSependapat lah sama mbak Ranger Kimi. Secara umum sih tujuan saya ngeblog hampir sama seperti yang mbak jabarkan. Saya sering gregetan sama fenomena di sekitar, makanya saya tumpahkan di blog. Kadang saya juga pengen berbagi sesuatu yang kebetulan saya punya, supaya nantinya orang yang membaca bisa menyebarkan ke orang lain lagi.
Btw, kalo khawatir suatu saat blogger bakal ditutup, mbak bisa backup kok. Nanti bisa bikin blog baru di wordpress atau lainnya dengan file backup itu
Huehehe... Kalau Blogspot ditutup sesudah aku meninggal, bagaimana? Nanti siapa yang mau mem-backup? Ya mudah-mudahan sih anak atau cucuku mau repot sedikit untuk mem-backup. :P
DeleteHahaha.. Ya makanya buruan cari imam sana. Biar bisa punya anak-anak yang bisa ngebackup nanti
Hahah.. Tujuan ku sih ngumbar aib. Eh, maksudnya biar semua pengalaman ku bisa aku baca karena aku pelupa.. :P
ReplyDeleteHahaha... Tidak apa-apa kalau mau umbar aib juga. Siapa tahu orang lain juga bisa belajar dari pengalaman kita. Tapi, risiko tanggung sendiri. :P
DeleteIya nih, Mbak.. Jadinya temen blogger ku ikutan nyeleneh semua.. :(
DeleteIh, sama, Kim. Aku juga ngerasa memoriku kurang kuat... Giliran sama hal yg pait-pait aja, baru keinget terus.... :'(
ReplyDeleteCurhat ya, Dit? Sini, sini... Cerita sama aku.